
Monday, 11 June 2012

Day 11: One step closer to France!

Today has been a rather strange day in so many ways. But, of course, I had to start it all off with a lovely cup of English tea!

That's more like it...

This week, and the next, will be time to edit the footage we captured last week. We were meant to start today but my filming partner thinks he has fleas! When he told me, I instantly started to feel paranoid. It's like that typical scene in primary school when there is one girl who has nits and everyone else starts to itch their head. I'm sure it is just the pesky mosquitos though. I think I'm sure anyway.

Results day slowly crept up on all of us today. I kept on waking up in the night just thinking of different worse case scenarios. Not only this, but I also woke up with a very sore throat, the aftermath of going out on Friday night I believe. Finally it was time to get my act together, get out of bed and check my results on the website. I kept on typing "time in UK" in Google just to make sure I was checking them at the right time and at 9.30am on the dot. I was logged in a couple of minutes beforehand, saw the clock turn to 11.30am my-time and then pressed refresh... this page cannot be displayed. I saw the same message every time I refreshed for about half an hour until the page eventually loaded.

My heart was actually thumping. I scrolled down. Those of you who are my Facebook friends you know what happened next. A very bad swear word escaped from my mouth as a huge sigh of relief. I didn't know what I was expecting to see but I'm very happy with what I got. Hopefully, if all the paperwork goes through and the university accept me, I should be going to France in September! It also means that I can carry on with my blog for the rest of the year...

Time for a victory dance! Feel free to join me...

I think I'll just rest in bed today, listening to the rain and drinking tea to distract me from the itching...

My evening Dutch snack - bread with De Ruitjer chocolate sprinkles!

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